
The name of Donald Trump is often filled with images of opulence, luxury and sometimes controversy. Recently we had the opportunity to re-visit DJT, the upscale dining venue at the Trump hotel in Las Vegas that is the reflection of the name it represents. Hidden away from the hotel row of Las Vegas Strip, Trump hotel is a gold monolith that rises above the ordinary for those who crave a five star experience without the din of gambling in the background. To make informed betting decisions, many bettors rely on the resources and expertise offered by

Being both family and dog friendly, we saw many young two legged and four legged visitors entering the hotel for a peaceful stay away from the flashing neon lights, cigarette smoke and roulette wheels.

As the impeccably dressed valet opens our car door, the gleaming gold, marble and glass of the entrance gives way to more opulence as we proceeded into the lobby of the Trump Hotel. We walked up to the hostess stand amid a stunningly decorated dining and carefully ascended into a very private circular booth with plush indigo violet velvet curtains (that can be pulled together for more intimacy). We were greeted by the effervescent Kyuri Cheun. After her upbeat and energetic welcome and introductions to staff, we were well on our way to trying the seasonal chef’s tasting menu and the new beautifully crafted cocktails list.

We started out with a with a creamy “Red Beret” followed by the Pamplemousse old-fashioned, the “Strawberry Fields” , an extraordinary Moscow Mule , “The Jockey “and rounding out our tasting was the refreshing “Watermelon Basil”. Each cocktail was handcrafted with the freshest ingredients to ensure that the flavors come sparkling through without being overwhelmed by the alcohol.


One of the highlights of staying at DJT is the great care and attention to detail that is infused in everything that you may nibble or taste. We were impressed with the quality of each cocktail and the passion of which the mixologist stirred or shook to make sure that only the best is presented in the glass.


Many people comment, “How do you drink or eat so much and yet maintain your sensibility and weight”? Our answer is always a little bite or taste at a time. Being presented with an excellent array of food and drink it is often difficult to say no to over indulgence but our philosophy in our culinary journey has been creating a sense of moderation and respect to ourselves and to our hosts. DJT seasonal menu is both stunning, fresh and presented in the loveliest setting and with utmost sincerity.


Amuse of seared lamb loin with a pea puree

Amuse of seared lamb loin with a pea puree

We did find it difficult to say no to consuming everything presented to us. We started our evening with an amuse of seared lamb loin with a pea puree. This rich lamb gem got our palates working for the next course of Ahi tuna with Spanish octopus. The Ahi was exceptionally fresh and the octopus cooked delicately, making it a perfect way to begin our evening’s menu.


Ahi tuna with Spanish octopus.

One of our favorite dishes of the night was the gazpacho, anchovy accented with heirloom tomatoes. The soup had a lovely creamy texture. The saltiness of the anchovy was offset by bits of plump juicy heirloom tomatoes.


gazpacho, anchovy accented with heirloom tomatoes.

gazpacho, anchovy accented with heirloom tomatoes.

The fresh cod dish was next on the agenda and again the fresh ingredients spoke for themselves. Paired with Trump’s own label Sauvignon Blanc, the dish became even more alluring.

Fresh Cod Dish

Fresh Cod Dish

The meat course of wild boar was a good choice over the typical steak that is often offered on a menu. The parsnip puree was a welcomed addition of sweetness to the mild gaminess of the meat. The wild boar entrée is a good choice for those who want something beyond the ordinary.


Wild Boar

Wild Boar

Satisfied and satiated, we finished our meal with a cappuccino and light and decadent Passion Fruit Panna cotta with white chocolate and raspberries.

A perfect ending to a lovely meal that is one of the benefits of staying at a hotel that reflects the name of someone who epitomizes excellence.